
Hydraulic upsetting machine has matching cooling system

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Hydraulic upsetting machine has matching cooling system. The temperature is very important to the inductor of hydraulic pipe upsetting machine. The medium frequency inductor of hydraulic upsetter has a special working temperature. The refractoriness of the inductor of hydraulic upsetter press exceeds 1150 degree Celsius. The coil of the inductor is made of high quality rectangular copper tube which has large section. The vibration resistance of hydraulic upsetter’s inductor is better than other inductor‘s. The cooling system of hydraulic tubular upsetter press will supply cooling water through the copper tube of inductor to protect the inductor of hydraulic upsetting machine from the damage of excessive temperature. The moisture-proof insulating varnish is applied to the surface of the coil to prevent rust and electricity leakage. The inductor of hydraulic pipe upsetting machine has a long service time, and don’t had to maintenance during 12 months.


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